
Dr. Fernandez, Dr. Looman, and Dr. Serran are all Certified Trainers in the below measures.


Static99R is an empirically derived, actuarial, risk assessment tool intended for use with male sexual offenders. The items are scored based on commonly available information that is usually found in legal, forensic, and clinical documentation.  Anyone with sufficient knowledge of the criminal justice system, risk assessment, and sexual offending, as well as training on the measures should be able to accurately score the measures.  This includes members of law enforcement, correctional workers, and mental health professionals. Static-99R scores may be helpful within a wide range of decision-making contexts, including legal proceedings (e.g., dangerous offender hearings, pre-sentence hearings) as well as organizational decisions regarding treatment intensity, supervision requirements, and community notification.  


STABLE-2007 is a measure of risk-relevant propensities for adult males convicted of a sexual offense. The 13 items of the tool describe problems that could be addressed as part of community supervision or correctional rehabilitation (e.g., impulsivity, hostility toward women). The score reflects the density of current risk-relevant propensities, and can be mechanically combined with Static-99R to produce an overall risk level and recommendations for intervention targets and dosage.

ACUTE-2007 is an interview- and file-review-based instrument designed to assess acute dynamic (i.e., rapidly changing) risk factors for sexual recidivism. Items include (a) access to victims, (b) emotional collapse, (c) change in social supports, (d) hostility, (e) rejection of supervision, (f) sexual preoccupations, and (g) substance abuse. Scores range from 0 to 21, with higher scores indicating a higher likelihood of recidivism.

For more information on the above actuarial measures please refer to