Our Team

Dr. Yolanda Fernandez, C. Psych. is a registered clinical psychologist. She has extensive experience supervising multi-disciplinary teams of mental health professionals providing services to federally incarcerated offenders in Canada, with a specialty expertise in assessing, treating and managing sexual offenders.  Dr. Fernandez is a certified trainer and Master Trainer in Static-99R, Static-2002R, STABLE-2007 and ACUTE-2007.  She was the lead author on the extensive revisions to the STABLE-2007 manual and the ACUTE-2007 manual and is the second author for the revised 2016 Static-99R manual.  Dr. Fernandez has presented multiple times at international conferences. She also has multiple publications in peer reviewed journals and has co-authored and co-edited a number of books. 

Dr. Jan Looman, C. Psych. is a registered clinical psychologist providing assessments for sexual offenders in Kingston, ON. Previously he worked for Correctional Services of Canada where he supervised the delivery of the High intensity Sexual Offender Treatment Program at the Regional Treatment Centre (Ontario) and at Providence Care Hospital on the Forensic Psychiatric Unit. Dr. Looman’s research interests include risk assessment, treatment outcome and psychopathy in sexual offender populations. He has published over 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals on these topics. Dr. Looman is co-author, together with Dr. Jeff Abracen of the book Treatment of High Risk Sexual Offenders: An Integrated Approach. He is a certified Static-99R/STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 trainer.

Dr. Geris Serran, C. Psych. is a registered clinical psychologist providing treatment for sexual offenders in the Trenton and Belleville, Ontario, area. Dr. Serran was employed by Rockwood Psychological Services for 13 years providing sexual client treatment at federal correctional institutions. She has particular interests in the areas of therapeutic process, clinical supervision, sexual offending, and trauma and practices from an Acceptance-Commitment Therapy Approach.  Dr. Serran is a certified Static-99R/STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007 trainer, and regularly provides trainings.

Lauren McIvor, BBPH is a Behavioural Therapist who provides supervised risk assessments and treatment for sexual offenders in the Kingston, Ontario, area.  She is trained on Static-99R/STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007.  She is also trained in behavioural and cognitive-behavioural intervention approaches.